Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How to Act Smarter

Smart people don't get ahead in life, people who act smart get ahead in life. Here's a couple of ways to make people think you have an IQ of greater than 50.

- Talk quieter. You should only talk loud enough for the people around you to hear. If you're having a conversation with 3 people that are all less than three feet away from you, there's no reason to yell. Even if you're trying to give emphasis, just change your tone and not your volume.

- Use fewer words. Be concise. That's it.

- Move beyond cuss words for adjectives. If you want to say you dislike something, rack your brain for a better adjective than "gay". Try only to swear when you're really mad...or you just got shot in the face or something like that. Keep it out of normal conversation.

- Try to write at a 5th grade level or higher. Your-you're, its-it's,there-their,then-than.

- Read a book for fun. Yes, this one may actually make you smarter, but what you learn from the book is trivial compared to when you get to drop the name of the book in a conversation. Go with Oprah's book club if you don't know where to start.

- Put sex and everything sex-related a step down on your list of priorities. Get a hobby.

And most importantly:
- Always keep an open mind! Yes, you have your opinions/methods/theories/doctrines that you hold to be true. Yes, you obviously have a good enough reason to believe what you believe, and I'm not telling you to change your opinions, I'm simply asking that you acknowledge and respect what others think. Immediate criticism/disregard for someone's personal opinion is asinine. Open your eyes, view the world around you, and question everything.

Something to listen to: The Apples in Stereo - Can You Feel It?
Something to do: Draw a self-portrait


Anonymous said...

Also, don't use the word couple when you have more than 2 examples.

khanman225 said...

Let's ask Webster...

14. a couple of, more than two, but not many, of; a small number of; a few: It will take a couple of days for the package to get there.